Empowered Aging REALFLUENCER: Meet Eileen - ORESTA clean beauty simplified

Empowered Aging REALFLUENCER: Meet Eileen


Eileen Realfluencer Empowered Aging

Meet Eileen, our final REALFLUENCER in our Empowered Aging Series.

Vibrant is how we would describe Eileen in one word. Recently retired, she is an intrepid adventurer at heart, seeking out new experiences and challenges. Eileen explores life with an insatiable curiosity. She cherishes her friendships and fiercely nurtures these bonds with joy and support.

Eileen embodies the essence of empowered aging. She refuses to let age define her limits. Self-care is paramount to Eileen, evident in her commitment to maintaining her physical and mental well-being. Whether it's on her Peleton, through a nourishing diet, or diligent skincare routine, she prioritizes her overall wellness, radiating vitality and confidence.

Funny story: Eileen became a client when Greg, a long time friend and another of our Realfluencers recommended ORESTA. We had no idea they knew each other and they were equally surprised when they saw each other at the photoshoot, not knowing that the other was also a part of the campaign! 

What do you love about getting older? I love feeling that being myself is enough. With age (at least my age) has come a sense of confidence - less self-questioning, more self-awareness and more self-acceptance. I’m not afraid to say what I think, or to take risks or to worry about what others are thinking. Interestingly, I am also more focused on what I want to accomplish than ever before.

What don’t you like about getting older? Firstly? The pressure that our culture put on us to achieve impossible standards to turn back the clock. It is insidious and ever-present, and we are constantly reminded that we are no longer young. I find that enormously frustrating, and hard to overcome. Secondly? The way my body has changed. Arthritis and the normal aging process have had an impact on my size, my shape and my physical capabilities. Things that I used to take for granted are sometimes a challenge now.

What is your evening skin care routine? I remove my eye makeup (the only makeup I generally wear) with an eye wipe. Then I cleanse with either a liquid or balm cleanser, followed by a generous spritz of whatever toner I have on hand. Then comes the serum, and finally the balm. I try to use a masque once or twice a week, and sometimes leave the cream ones on overnight. And eye cream to finish.

What is the one thing you do that has changed your skin? Finding the right products (and the best way to use them); excellent advice and support; a regular daily routine; sunscreen (although I don’t wear enough!)

What is your favourite skin care product? I don’t know how I can limit it to just one! I love the Blue Legume Masque by Lilfox. The scent is amazing, as is the way it makes me feel. The brightening masque by Laurel is one of my favourites….my skin feels so clean and smooth after application. And I have recently discovered Eminence's Yuzu Solid Body Oil….I will never go back to using just oil or cream again.

What advice would you give to your younger self? Stop fretting! Stop worrying about all the things you can’t change, including how other people think you look or sound. Don’t stay away from an event because you feel too fat or too out of shape. Take those risks. Travel every chance you get. Hold on to your friends. Tell the people you love that you love them. And use sunscreen.

Tell us something about yourself that many don’t know or share your proudest moment. Four years ago, I was struggling to perform simple tasks such as walking, climbing stairs or even putting on shoes and socks due to severe arthritis in both hips. Two hip replacements and a renewed commitment to daily exercise saw me plunge into the Southern Ocean (south of the Antarctic Circle) and traverse the seventh continent in February of this year. It was an amazing experience!

What is your philosophy on empowered aging? In the words of the Rare Earth song “I just want to celebrate, another day of living. I just want to celebrate, another day of life”! I want to acknowledge the changes my body has experienced, not detest them. I want to celebrate the wisdom and joy that comes from getting older, not bemoan the loss of my youth. I want to make choices about how I look and feel deliberately, not be made to feel inadequate because I don’t measure up. I don’t want to judge the choices that others make, nor do I want to be judged. I want to acknowledge and accept the aging process with grace, not despair. I want to be kind (to me as well as others), not impatient or frustrated or mean. I want to feel good. Good about my skin, my body, my spirit, my health, my family, my friends and my community. I just want to celebrate.

Finish this sentence "I feel most beautiful when…" I feel powerful, engaged and taking action.

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